"Fruits of Labor" in Fiji

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Nothing makes me more proud than to be able to sit with my head held high, knowing that I am living to the best of my abilities. Now, this may sound a bit “standoffish” to some of you but if you know anything about me (and chances are you do if you’ve read my book or have started reading it) I say this with all sincerity.  To be able to live life to the fullest, wake up each day, embrace what is yet to come, feel empowered by what has already transpired and be wholly satisfied within each present moment – THAT is a feeling to be felt!

So as I was recording this video while reclining on the beach in Fiji, it occurred to me that one should enjoy the fruits of their labors.  What exactly do I mean by that?  Well, in the second part of my book (the one where I venture into the triumph over tribulation part of my story) I talk about having a crazy workload.  Living life mechanically, working day in and day out – with little time to actually sit back and enjoy life.

I asked myself, isn’t the purpose of it all to enjoy your life?  It is so important to get in the mindset to achieve all your goals but what is the real reason that motivates you to do it? The moment I began to ask myself this all-important question it opened up a new horizon of clarity for me.

What is the “why” behind everything that I do?

And as I carried on, working to achieve my goals, build my family, accomplish success professionally and strive for the top in my relationships – I came to the realization just how important it really is to understand the reason behind your motivation in life.  It’s more than just “getting by” when you have a purpose.  As you reach upward toward your goals that may seem at the very top of an unreachable mountain, the truth is you are going straight in the direction of the pinnacle of your own personal success.

So as I sit here in my chair in the sands of Fiji, watching my son live life with passion – I can’t help but be grateful for having clarity and focus in my life, so much so that it continues to make life exciting as I accomplish my ambitions.

Why do you go to work?  To make more money. Or to contribute.
Why do you do that? To pay bills. To get a house.

All of these things are the “whys” of what we do, but if you’re someone that is striving for higher achievement that is more than just “getting by”, knowing your “why” is even more essential to your existence.  Your reasons will be the ones getting you up and running to do things that others may or may not be doing.

Why do I wake up every morning at 5am?  Because I believe the morning is the slingshot of the day and getting a head-start on my day allows me to have a head-start to achieve my goals.

In my opinion, it is important to know the reason goals are important; knowing the "Why" is something you may consider asking yourself with everything that you do, in this case, your goals.

For me, the "Why" behind big goals is because they make me feel good about myself and that I am getting the max in life. Goals give me rewards; not only security but also accomplishment. I have goals in all areas of my life. For those that read the book, you will recall the segment on "8 Equities." One of my goals (Equities) is to earn money. And, that "Why" to earn money allows me be generous to those that I love; my family, friends and others ... and the icing on the cake with accomplishing high monetary goals is to live a luxurious lifestyle and to enjoy all the rewards including places like Fiji.

That’s the “why” behind how I live my life.

What’s the "why" for you?